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A website about programming, technology, and life.


On Having Covid

by Aaron Crowder on in Life

I’ve been sick the past week or so. At first I was really hopeful that it wasn’t Covid. Even though my wife and kids had already tested positive. I really really hoped that now, at the tail end of this thing, I could feel like I had escaped. That I’d made it to the other side unscathed. But that was not meant to be. I tested positive one week ago today.


Resolutions for 2016

by Aaron Crowder on in Life

It seems like the “thing to do” at the beginning of each new year is to make New Years Resolutions. If you’re at all into blogging then you know that you then have to publish those resolutions for all the people who don’t read your blog to see. That’s who/what this post is for. I wanted to make my resolutions less about “I want to lose weight”, and more focused on programming, open source, and this blog.


Christmas of 2015

by Aaron Crowder on in Life

This year’s Christmas was one for the books. As a father it was SO much fun to watch my two girls have the time of their little lives getting and playing with all their new toys. Their excitement and wonderment meant the world to me, even if I know they don’t fully understand everything. Before we went down, we had the girls get their Christmas Jamies on! When we went downstairs there wasn’t much ceremony to it at all.


Hour of Code

by Aaron Crowder on in Life

Yesterday I took part in the Hour of Code at my local high school as a volunteer.In fact, it was at the high school that I attended. I had a lot of fun and I was excited to see the stundents gain a deeper understanding of code. I was especially impressed with the number of young women in the class that seemed to really enjoy it. It’s a really common misunderstanding that people hold that girls aren’t interested in tech.